Many people are unaware of just how severe the sentence for prostitution or solicitation in the state of California can be. Although a misdemeanor, under California Penal Code section 647(b), you could nonetheless face up to 180 days in jail for your first offense. For a second and third prostitution conviction, there is a minimum mandatory jail time with the possibility of up to six months behind bars. Along with spending time in jail, you could be assessed a fine as large as $1,000.
If you engaged in the act of prostitution or solicitation of prostitution using your vehicle, you could also have your vehicle seized and impounded for up to thirty days. If it can be proven you engaged in, solicited, or agreed to engage in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a private residence with the use of a vehicle, you could also have a license suspension of up to a month. While a violation of the code is not an offense, which triggers mandatory sex offender registration, judges are allowed discretion ordering such a sentence.
The Long-Term Repercussions Associated with Prostitution or Solicitation Charges
There is a societal stigma, which comes with any type of sex crime, including prostitution. Even if you have been falsely accused, you may suffer rifts in your personal relationships or issues at your place of employment. You could be denied a professional license or a job you have worked many years to obtain. You will also face the penalties the law imposes if convicted of such a crime. If you are charged with solicitation of prostitution, it is imperative you have an experienced Oakland sex crimes defense attorney by your side who can safeguard your privacy to the extent possible. Your prostitution defense attorney will also work zealously to obtain a resolution to your charges, which leave your reputation and your dignity intact.
Contact Our Oakland Sex Crimes Attorneys
If you or someone you love has been arrested for soliciting a prostitute, it is important to begin building your case immediately. The longer these cases drag out, the worse it can be for your reputation and your future. Call the Oakland sex crimes lawyers at the Law Offices of Nabiel C. Ahmed today for a free initial consultation. Call today at (510) 907-6600 or fill out our confidential contact form for more information.