Undercover sting operations occur all the time in California. These operations are meant to catch unsuspecting Johns who are seeking to buy sexual favors from prostitutes or underage girls and boys. Yet, what many Californians don't know is that you can be arrested and charged with soliciting a prostitute simply for talking to a prostitute.
California Solicitation Law, PC Section 647(b) states that you can be arrested and charged with soliciting a prostitute if you spoke to a prostitute with the intent of purchasing sexual favors – this can be done in person or even through social media. Even if you never touched the prostitute or exchanged money – you can still be arrested.
In order for the prosecution to obtain a conviction, however, they have to prove that you intended to engage in sexual activity with the prostitute or underage minor. Another words, simply waving to a prostitute or being near a prostitute is not enough to obtain a conviction. Agreeing in an online chat forum to meet at a hotel for sexual favors and then showing up at the hotel is often enough to prove that you intended to engage in sexual activity with someone you knew was a prostitute.
If you are convicted of soliciting a prostitute, you could face up to 6 months in county jail and up to $1,000 in fines. Plus you could find yourself facing enhanced penalties and being labeled a sex offender if the prostitute was underage.
Don't face your charges alone. Our Oakland sex crime attorney is ready to fight for your name. Call us today at (510) 907-6600.